The location of Klamath River Lodge was chosen primarily because of the spectacular Steelhead, Trout, and Salmon runs and still functions first and foremost as a Fishing Lodge.
What's On the Hook?
- The Silver Hilton
This is an old but very effective pattern to land steelhead on the Klamath River.
- Panther Martin Spinners
Many of our fisherman had success this year using spinners. The Panther Martin has always been one of
the favorites.
- The Brindle Bug
The Brindle Bug is popular in both Southern Oregon and Northern
California. It was developed in the 1960’s by Lloyd Silvius on the Eel
River. This fly continues to provide many successful catches at the Lodge.
- Nightcrawlers
Of course night crawlers were on the menu to the fish’s delight. In the past, a few of our guests tried out using crickets, although there were no reports of actual fish being caught using this method!
The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of something elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions of hope.
John Buchan (1875-1940) Scottish author
Casting the line
Fly fishing is arguably one of the most difficult things to learn, but as with most difficult things; it makes the reward that much more satisfying. Here are some tips on how to go about achieving the basic cast.
1. Be prepared: you will need a rod, reel, line, leader and a fly (we have outlined good fly recommendations below). The fly gets tied to the leader and the leader is tied to the fly line. There are many knots used to tie these together such as the improved clinch knot, the arbor knot, and the Albright knot. These can be found in a standard fishing handbook and will outline the advantages of each.
2. Grip the rod like you are shaking someone’s hand. The thumb should be on top with the four fingers wrapped around the rod. Do not grip too tightly; an ideal grip is firm, but relaxed (like a golf club).
3. Load your fly rod. The rod will not cast properly if you do not feel the rod bend and unbend in your hand. This is called “feeling the rod load” and can be a difficult concept in the beginning. There must be some line let out of your fly rod. Your rod will not load if you do not have enough line out. The specific amount needed varies based on the length and weight of your rod. You can consult your rod’s manufacturer or an expert to find the perfect amount of line to let out.
4. Start your back cast. Keep your wrist stiff and your elbow close to your side. Pull your fly rod back to a 10 o’clock position. Only bending your elbow. Once you see the line leave the surface, abruptly stop your hand and count to three.
5. Finish with your forward cast. Start your motion forward smoothly in the direction of the surface then stop your hand abruptly, feeling the rod “unload.” Again, do not bend your wrist. As you see the line in flight, slightly turn your thumb down around 1 inch. Keep your hand where it is and let the line fly out of the rod.
To get more information about how to cast for fly fishing follow the link below:
The Fishing Heritage
Sitting on the edge of the porch you pull the waders on, adjusting the bait-laden creel across your chest. The ritual has been passed down through the years at the Klamath River Lodge. The quiet walk down the hillside toward the river, ripples calling, the warm evening breeze blowing up the canyon. Quietly you stand knee-deep current swirling, tightening the waders around your legs as you make the first cast glide perfectly across the water. You wade further out, placing your feet gingerly on the moss-covered rocks. The warmth of the autumn sun gently fades as the cool of the evening settles in. Down from his woodland home a bear searches the opposite shoreline looking for his daily catch as you listen to the whizzing of your line. A drift boat slowly makes its way as the occupants give you a kinship wave. The line suddenly tightens as the pole bends, the tip grazing the surface of the water. You pull up and begin to reel, tightening the drag as you land yet another beauty!
You make your way back up the path, crickets singing their song as the moon takes its place in the sky. Night closes in as another day of fishing leaves its mark on your soul.
“The night closes in as
another day of fishing
leaves it’s mark on
your soul”
Trout Fishing
by Mrs. Eunice B Lamberton
Give me a rod of the split bamboo,
a rainy day and a fly or two,
a mountain river where the eddies play,
and mists hang low o'er the winding way,
Give me a haunt by the furling edge,
A hidden spot in a mossy ledge,
No sound save hum of the drowsy bee,
or lone bird's tap on the hollow tree.
The world may roll with it's busy throng,
And phantom scenes on it's way along,
It's stocks may rise, or it's stocks may fall,
Ah! What care I for it's baubles all?
I cast my fly o'er the troubled rill,
Luring the beauties by magic skill,
With mind at rest and a heart at ease,
And drink delight at the balmy breeze.
A lusty fish to my glad surprise,
Speckled and bright on the crest arise,
Then splash and plunge in a dazzling
Hope springs anew as the wavelets curl.
Gracefully swinging from left to right,
Action so gentle- - motion so slight, motion so slight,
Tempting, enticing, on craft intent,
Till yielding tip by the game is bent
Drawing in slowly, then letting go
Under the ripples where mosses grow
Doubting my fortune, lost in a dream, Blessing the land of forest and stream.